Analysis of Functional NeuroImages

AFNI ( Analysis of Functional Neuro acronym for Images) is a collection of software for viewing, editing and analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging image data. AFNI is free software ( GPL version 2 ), which was written in C. The collection also includes more Python scripts and plugins. AFNI runs on Unix-like operating systems and uses its own data format (. HEAD and. Brik ), but can also deal with many other data formats (DICOM, Analyze, NIfTI, Siemens. Ima, etc.). Development began in 1994 by Robert Cox and his colleagues at the Medical College in Wisconsin. Today, the development at the National Institute of Mental Health is located.

AFNI provides an interface to R, which is used for statistical analysis. The strength of AFNI consists among other things in the visualization of data, eg by SUMA. AFNI is by FSL and SPM one of the most commonly used software packages in the neurosciences.
