Anarchist communism

The communist anarchism (also anarchist communism Anarchist communism, libertarian communism or libertarian communism called ) is a political concept of anarchism, according to the state and capitalism can be overcome and should be replaced by networks of voluntary associations, workers' councils and collaborative communities.

Historical development

From the perspective of the anarchist historian Max Nettlau the labor movement was influenced very strongly authoritarian in the first half of the 19th century. Only a working group that published a journal entitled L' Humanitaire, summed up their political ideas as possible liberal, so anti-authoritarian, on. After two issues of the newspaper, the members of the group were arrested and convicted. This marked the end for their work.

After the brief action of the group of " L' Humanitaire " in 1841 occurred since the beginning of 1876 again the first expressions of the communist anarchism of the day, by a group called " L' Avenir " to which, inter alia, Adrien Perrare, Francois Dumartheray and T. Colonna belong. The French elections in 1876, the group issued four brochures in which they publish the basics of a " communisme anarchiste ".

Central pioneers of this movement was the Russian anarchist Pyotr Kropotkin. He took the view that anarchism and communism could only work together, as they would be mutually dependent. Kropotkin and other communist anarchists advocated by Lenin criticized the concept of communism, which they described as " state socialism " and rejected as totalitarian and elitist during the Russian Revolution.

The ideological and political conflict between Marxists and anarchists goes back to the dispute between Mikhail Bakunin on the anti-authoritarian and Karl Marx on the scientific- socialist side, which already faced each other ideologically at the beginning of the labor movement. While the Marxist dictatorship of the proletariat striving, in the course of which the state will eventually superfluous and absterbe, the anarchists wanted to abolish the State immediately. They also rejected any party organization from the tutelage of the masses by a avant-garde.


Anarcho Communist ideas are conceptually related to ideas of anarcho-syndicalist movement that found a certain following in Germany in the course and aftermath of the council movement of 1918/19, and is still largely organized in the FAU and internationally in the International Workers Association.

The representatives of communist anarchism introduce the concept of a self-management of workers in the factories against the concept of leadership by a revolutionary class party or parliamentary 'representation' of the working interests in order to prevent the emergence of new forms of domination for a social revolution. Thus, they distanced themselves from both against bourgeois reformism as in the Weimar Republic and against Marxism. In Germany Erich difficulty representing similar thoughts.

The communist anarchism promotes a non-hierarchical, egalitarian and self-managed society without hierarchical structures and laws, as amended by the voluntary and inclusive form of economic activity will remain an equitable appropriation of social wealth. Private property should be abolished. Only the need of everyone may be relevant because any calculation of the value of the individual work impossible, and therefore is an arbitrary, authoritarian act. In this society the free development of the individual is to be as present as the common free development of all. The freedom of the individual ends only where it interferes with the freedom of others.

Current Development

Like most revolutionary currents within the political left is also the anarcho communism currently only a minority position and is found mainly in small political groups again. Relatively widespread it is in the spectrum of the Autonomous which often occur as a black block at demonstrations with anarcho -communist slogans. In the anarchist movement, he is supported in particular by platformist forms of organization, but also by anarchist federations as the NEFAC and AF Britain.

With the Class Struggle Anarchism ( German about: class struggle anarchism ) was developed in the late 20th century within anarchist organizations a standing in the tradition of anarcho -communism and anarcho-syndicalism flow, which inspired by the Marxist class struggle idea and with council communist and libertarian ideas as the Situationist overlaps.
