
Plattformismus is created from the Makhno movement term for a specific anarchist organization that was coined in Paris in 1926 by Russian exiles.

A Platformist organization has a common revolutionary program and a joint revolutionary strategy. Members must agree to a voluntary self-discipline. A Platformist organization is a federation that is based on direct democracy. All political initiatives and activities come from below. Members may have their own ideas and criticisms to all decisions and tactics. However, if they spread them out of the organization, they must make it clear that these are their own ideas and not the organization.


The platform today

Although the Plattformismus had a difficult start, as many well-known anarchists referred to him as an attempt to anarchism " Bolshevize " and similar party to organize, there are still some groups that rely on these anarchist flow. Platformist groups are given by Workers Solidarity Movement in Ireland, Common Struggle in the U.S. and Canada, AWSM ( Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement) in New Zealand, OCL ( Organización Comunista Libertaria ) in Chile, OAE in Greece, AKI in Turkey, OSL ( Organización Socialista Libertaria ) in Argentina, FDCA ( Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici ) in Italy, Coletivo pró Organização Anarquista em Goiás in Brazil, Grupo Qhispikay Llaqta in Peru, ACL ( Alianza Libertaria Comunista ) in Mexico and ZACF ( Zabalaza anarchist Communist Federation) in South Africa.
