
Anather, also Anathaddi, is the proper name of an ancient Egyptian king or prince small the Second Intermediate Period (about 1650-1550 BC), but the date can not be precisely classified within this period.

Anather entitled " Heqa - chasut " ( hq3 - ḫ3swt ), meaning " ruler of the desert states / foreign countries " means and which is derived the word Hyksos. He is a ruler who has hitherto occupied only by two scarabs. One of these labels is now in a private collection, and the other was once in the collection Michaelidis. Presumably he was a petty prince of a town in southern Palestine. Perhaps this is one king in the 15th dynasty.

The name is Anathaddi Northwest Semitic and Thomas Schneider suggests that this means something like affection of (God's ) Hadad.

Kim Ryholt dated anather basis of the style of the seal in the 12th dynasty.
