Anatomical snuff box

The foveola radialis (Latin: the spoke dimples associated ) is a triangular, elongated depression on the thumb side of the wrist. It occurs particularly apparent when all fingers extended and the thumb are spread apart. Snuff snuff give portions to the Speichengrübchen, from where it can be inhaled into the nose well. Therefore, the Speichengrübchen is also referred to as snuff (French snuffbox ).

Other synonyms are Speichengrübchen, snuff pit, fovea radialis, radial fossa, fossula radialis, radial fossa manus, anatomique snuff and snuff fossa.

The anatomical limitation is on the long sides by tendons of the thumb muscles ( abductor pollicis longus = long Daumenabspreizer, extensor pollicis brevis = short thumb extensor and extensor pollicis longus = long thumb extensor ). The arm-side end ( proximal boundary ) is formed ( a solid belt to guide the tendons of the finger extensors muscles) from the extensor retinaculum. The soil consists of the scaphoid ( = scaphoid ) and the side ( lateral ) edge of the radius, the radial styloid process. By the snuffbox artery runs radialis ( radial artery ), the pulse is here mostly well palpable. Furthermore, it is found more superficially located, a superficial branch of the radial nerve ( superficial branch of the radial nerve ), which is responsible for the sensory innervation of the skin on the thumb side of the hand dorsum.


  • Schünke M., E. Schulte, U. Schuhmacher: Prometheus - Learning Atlas of Anatomy. General anatomy and movement system. Thieme, 2005. ISBN 978-3-13-139521-4
  • Support and movement apparatus
  • Upper extremity