Andic languages

As Andean Languages ​​eight unrelated small languages ​​are referred to in the autonomous republic of Dagestan (Russian Federation) are spoken by nearly 33,000 people. Together with the Avar language and the languages ​​didoischen they constitute the group of awaro - ando - didoischen languages ​​within the group of Dagestani languages ​​which in turn belong to the ( Northeast Caucasian ) nachisch - Dagestani languages. Among the Andean languages ​​are languages ​​that decompose partly back into each other barely comprehensible dialects ( in the last Russian census 2002, these languages ​​have been recorded separately the first time since the 1926 census, however, they are further assigned to the Avars, in parentheses, the previous estimate the number of speakers ):

  • Achwachisch 6,362 (5,000)
  • Andi 21,270 (10,000 )
  • Bagwalalisch 18 ( 6000 )
  • Botlichisch 0 (4,000)
  • Ghodoberisch 2 ( 3000 )
  • Karatinisch 6,019 (6,000)
  • Tindi 44 ( 5000 )
  • Tschamalalisch 12 ( 6000 )

None of the eight languages ​​has a writing system, as written languages ​​and languages ​​of communication among themselves Avar and Russian are used.
