Angeln cattle

The Angler cattle, simply anglers, is a breed of cattle house. The breed has a plain dark red to brown fur tired.


The breed of cattle originated in anglers fishing, a cultural landscape between the Schlei and the Flensburg Fjord, already in the middle of the 19th century from an old native country shock. From the original only 300 kg beef a much stronger breed was bred over the years, up to 650 kg and bulls up to 1100 kg can be hard at cows.

From 1939 bulls of the breed Red Danish dairy cattle were bred from about 1970, Swedish Red Cattle and Red Holstein. This introgression has massively increased since around 1985 and it was the modern type of angler cattle.

Anglers age Zuchtrichtung

The original anglers beef is today seriously threatened in its survival. In 2002 there were only 61 purebred cows of the old race form. As with many other farm animals as well, this race was no longer able to modern business requirements. Meanwhile, however, conservation measures for this old cultivar has been taken. In 2002, the race has been determined in its original breeding direction of the Society for the Conservation of Old and Endangered Livestock Breeds (GEH ) for 'at-risk livestock breed of the Year ".

The original anglers beef is a so-called dual-purpose cattle, ie both the milk yield and the meat yield was in breeding in the foreground. The special feature of this ancient, robust breed is their good adaptability to extreme climate areas, their longevity and fertility. These are the high fat content of the milk of this breed.

The breed was bred into many other breeds, such as in the Glanrind, the Franconian cattle and the Harz Red Cattle.

Angler modern type, performance

Animals of the modern type of angler cattle are bred on a high milk yield and in some cases have a red and white color drawing because of introgression on. In 2005 animals reached the race in Schleswig- Holstein, a milk yield of 7961 kg milk, 4.76 % fat and 3.64 % protein. In order for the modern angler belongs beef to the most powerful dairy breeds in Germany.
