Angular cheilitis

With angular cheilitis - the angularis as cheilitis, Angulus infectiosus ( oris), perleche, sparrows corner or Perlèche be called - is it a painful, often poorly healing inflammatory change the angle of the mouth caused by cracks ( fissures ) and superficial tissue defects ( erosions ) is characterized and may be associated with ulceration and crusting.


The following causes of angular cheilitis can occur ( in combination):

  • Anatomical features such as Zugwirkungen on the corners of the mouth with corresponding mouth movements
  • Strong wrinkling in the corners of the mouth, which can form a so-called moist chamber at the bottom of the folds


The inflammatory changes in the mouth comment by redness, scaling and fissures. Most go with this feeling of tension and tenderness, rarely also with a foreign body sensation associated.


The reason is the treatment of the underlying disease in the foreground. Angular cheilitis can be very persistent. Especially in the presence of underlying diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or atopic dermatitis, the inflammation heals poorly and often returns again and again. Even with a general immune deficiency or by an excitation source in the body is to be expected due to recurrent infection with a prolonged course of the disease. Should lip licking thereby be avoided, an additional prescribed paste can absorb excess liquid, creating a germ- hostile arid climate. Another excessive wetting and drying prevent greasy ointments, which antibiotic, antiviral or antifungal additives can be added.

Pictures of Angular cheilitis
