
Anchu was an Egyptian vizier of the 13th dynasty ( about 1750 BC). He is considered one of the most important officials of that period.


Anchu was the son of a vizier, whose name is not known, but the vizier Samonth is suspected because his wife has the same name as the mother of Anchu ( Henutpu ). Anchu in turn was the father of two weiterenen viziers ( Iii - meru, Resseneb ). His daughter Senebhenas was married to the " head of the economic system " Upuaut - hotep, whose family was closely associated with the royal house. One of their family members was the queen Aja. Anchu is known by various documents forth.

Anchu appears on some stelae his family and his subordinates, who were working for him. He donated three statues (for his mother Henutpu, for his father and himself ) in the temple of Karnak. He is also mentioned in a number of important documents. In Papyrus Boulaq 18, the accounting book of the Theban palace of Sobekhotep II, he appears and some letters on the Papyrus Brooklyn 35.1446 are addressed to him.

On a stele in the Louvre (see picture) he is named along with renovation of the Osiris at Abydos, associated with King Chendjer.


With these documents it is attested at least under two kings, and he was often viewed as a real power in the royal court of the 13th Dynasty. He was regarded as the prime example of a stable government in the 13th Dynasty, which seems otherwise characterized by a weak monarchy. Recent research is more cautious with such statements. Nevertheless, he was certainly a powerful person, whose family made ​​it through three generations pause highest offices of state.
