
Anlamani (also Analamani ) was a Nubian king who ruled around 600 BC.


Anlamani is known primarily from a stele that was found in a temple in Kawa. On this stele tells the ruler that he had visited Kawa and his mother Nasalsa should also come there to see her son. Anlamani have his sister used as Sistrumspielerin in the Amuntempeln of the country ( it is not mentioned by name but it is Malotarachta suspected) and he finally tells of struggles against nomads who threatened Kawa.

In addition, two known granite statues of the ruler of Mount Barkal and there was his name on a block of Meroe. Anlamani was buried in a pyramid Nu 6 in Nuri. In his grave chamber a large, decorated with religious texts sarcophagus stood (now the National Museum Khartoum Sudan 1868).


  • Horus name: Kanacht Chaemmaat
  • Nebti Name: Seanchibtawy
  • Gold Name: Heribmaat