
Anole ( Anolis carolinensis )

Anolis is a genus of small to medium-sized arboreal lizard, one of the iguana -like. Anolis is still 52 recognized species is still a species-rich genus, counted in the past, but almost 400 species. The rest of the other genera are assigned and all placed in the Dactyloidae family today.

Appearance and characteristics

Anolis species reach a head -body length of less than 10cm to 30cm. They are comparatively slender lizard with a pointed elongated skull shape. The eyes are large and sit high on the head. The tail often takes over 60% of body length.

The body coloration varies among species between grayish ( dark) brown or beige to deep green tones. Often, the skin carries a sometimes richly differentiated pattern of stripes or spots.

Almost all species are also capable of color, similar to chameleons change your mood.

The males of most species Anolis have a contrasting color to the body dewlap, which they can set up their abduction by the hyoid bone. The females have mostly small or no Kehl flags. Exceptions to this rule are possible. So there Anolis species in which the females possess large and colored flags or throat, the males have reduced or no Kehl flags. The males use them in conjunction with a nod to advertising through mating, the area delimitation and counterparties to impress. In females, this behavior occurs less frequently days.

Anolis species have similar Geckos "sticky soles' under her feet, by an extremely enlarged surface ( macroscopically: Slats, microscopic: hairs ) enable adhesion even on smooth surfaces. This does not happen through hard eyes, but by the van der Waals forces at the molecular scale.

In addition, these lizards genus provides an illustrative example of convergence in evolution. Phenotypically nearly identical species have been on several Antilles Islands in similar ecological niches found, despite independent, millions of years of permanent development.

Dissemination and lifestyle

The distribution of the genus Anolis extends across the Caribbean (especially Cuba) and adjacent land masses of the southern and southeastern United States, Mexico, Central and South America. Various species are endemic.

Anolis are good climbers and live in trees and in the underbrush, some species sometimes occupy the forest floor. The animals are territorial and form different large areas that are defended and changed depending on food availability and suitability. The rather small areas usually include various hiding places and places for observation of local environment. According to spread several Anolis species live sympatrically. Anolis feed on various invertebrates, including spiders and flying insects.

Anolis and people

Many Anolis species are popular terrarium animals and cared world of reptiles holders. The best known in the pet ownership type is the Anole ( Anolis carolinensis ) from Florida. The same type was also the first reptile to have its genome completely sequenced.


  • Alutaceus Anolis species group, Cuba Anolis alfaroi Garrido and Hedges, 1992
  • Anolis alutaceus Cope, 1861
  • Anolis anfilioquioi Garrido, 1980
  • Anolis clivicola Barbour & Shreve, 1935
  • Anolis cupeyalensis G. Peters, 1970
  • Anolis cyanopleurus Cope, 1861
  • Anolis fugitivus Garrido, 1975
  • Anolis inexpectatus Garrido & Estrada, 1989
  • Anolis juangundlachi Garrido, 1975
  • Anolis macilentus Garrido and Hedges, 1992
  • Anolis rejectus Garrido & Schwartz, 1972
  • Anolis spectrum W. Peters, 1863
  • Anolis vanidicus Garrido & Schwartz, 1972
  • Anolis vescus Garrido and Hedges, 1992
  • Anolis alayoni Estrada and Hedges, 1995
  • Anolis angusticeps Hallowell, 1856
  • Anolis garridoi Diaz, Estrada, & Moreno, 1999
  • Anolis Guazuma Garrudo, 1984
  • Anolis paternus Hardy, 1967
  • Anolis placidus Hedges & Thomas, 1989
  • Anolis sheplani Schwartz, 1974
  • Anolis alli soni Barbour, 1928
  • Anolis altitudinalis Garrido, 1985
  • Anolis brunneus Cope, 1875
  • Anolis carolinensis Voigt, 1832
  • Anolis fairchildi Barbour & Shreve, 1935
  • Anolis incredulus Garrido & Moreno, 1998
  • Anolis Isolepis Cope, 1861
  • Anolis longiceps Schmidt, 1919
  • Anolis maynardi Garman, 1888
  • Anolis Oporinus Garrido and Hedges, 2001
  • Anolis porcatus Gray, 1840
  • Anolis smaragdinus Barbour & Shreve, 1935
  • Anolis terueli Navarro, Fernández & Garrido, 2001
  • Anolis toldo Fong & Garrido, "2000", 2001
  • Anolis argillaceus Cope, 1862
  • Anolis centralis G. Peters, 1970
  • Anolis litoralis Garrido, 1975
  • Anolis loysianus C. Duméril & Bibron, 1837
  • Anolis pumilis Garrido, 1988
  • Anolis ruibali Navarro & Garrido, 2004
  • Anolis argenteolus ( Cope, 1861)
  • Anolis lucius (C. Duméril & Bibron, 1837)