
The anticipation is an emotion that is characterized by the expectation of a future positive event. It is closed by the arrival of this event. The anticipation is both semantically and temporally ahead of pleasure.

Will not occur the expected event that caused thereby emotional reaction is usually disappointment.

Researchers at the University of California at Irvine have empirically proven that anticipation increases the endorphin levels and reduces feelings of stress.

Under the expectation of especially great things in the near or distant future, the symptoms of the parties to vorfreuenden people can go far beyond that described in the study, especially when two people are happy together.

A proverb ( quip ) states ' anticipation is the best (or most beautiful ) joy '. Antoine de Saint -Exupéry illustrated in his work The Little Prince, the positive effects of anticipation as well as the negative effects of disappointment:

"It would have been better if you were in the same hour came back ," said the fox. "When you come at four clock in the afternoon, for example, I can start by three clock to be happy. The more time passes, the happier I 'll feel. At four clock I will already be worrying and jumping; I'll find out how expensive is happiness. But if you do eventually come, I know when my heart shall be there ... It must observe the proper rites never. "


  • Emotion