Antipope Christopher

A native of Rome, Christopher was before his pontificate, Cardinal Priest of St. Damasus. In September 903, he led a revolt against Pope Leo V, let him cast into prison and subsequently choose to Pope and consecrate.

Just four months later overtook him the same fate as Leo. Sergius, Bishop of Cerveteri, had already 897/898 attempts to become Pope. In January 904 he now had himself elected, seized power and brought Christopher in the same prison where Leo V. sat.

The fate of Christopher are unclear. According to Hermann of Reichenau, he became a monk after his fall. Eugenius Vulgarius however, tells about the murder by Sergius III. , Who allegedly put to death the other two pretenders, because he could not watch as they starved in prison.

From various sources Christophorus is referred to both as the legitimate pope, as well as anti-pope. A detailed clarification of the legitimacy of his pontificate is not yet possible.
