Anton Schaller

Anton Schaller ( born October 11, 1944 in Nottwil; homeland justified in Altbüron and Zurich ) is a Swiss journalist, former TV presenter and politician ( LdU ), which is a communications consultant today.


Anton Schaller was chief editor of the daily Swiss television and directed the federal house editorial staff. He was a presenter and head of the arena, the Rundschau and the Zischtigsclubs.

1995 Anton Schaller was elected to the Zurich Cantonal Council. In 1999 he took over the presidency of the country ring of Independents ( LdU ) and followed on April 20, the retired Verena Grendelmeier in the National Council; in this capacity he was a member of the Financial and Economic Commission of the Federal Parliament. But he was not re-elected in the parliamentary elections of 1999; the country ring so lost the last parliamentary seat and broke up in December 1999.

Schaller is now working as a lecturer at St. Galler training institutes, and traveled on behalf of SDC Romania. He is a colonel in the Swiss army. He is also a member of the Board and Chairman of the Pro Seniorweb Seniorweb AG.


  • Co-editor with Philippe Zahno: Christophe Keckeis: The future of Swiss Army. Zurich: . Orell Füssli, 2007 ISBN 978-3280052600 ( Comment by Christophe Keckeis In: . Plain text: The Swiss media magazine. )