Antonio Arenas

Antonio Arenas Merino ( born July 13, 1808 in Lima, † December 27, 1891 ibid ), lawyer, military and politician who served from 1885 to 1886 president of Peru. The presidency was marked by the revolt of the camp of Andrés A. Cáceres.


Early years

Arenas was born in Lima. He was a lawyer and politician. As rector of Convictorio de San Carlos, he introduced the doctrine of criminal law.

In October 1858, the two years previously adopted Peruvian constitution was reformed and the former president Ramón Castilla came into office again. Then Antonio Arenas was appointed Chairman of the Constitutional Commission of the Peruvian Congress, who later also held the office of Speaker of the Supreme Court. He was a deputy of the Lima Province and one of the authors of the Constitution of 1860.

1868 Arenas ran for president. Even if he had the support of the incumbent President José Balta, he was only severed by third parties, while the actual decision between Manuel Toribio Ureta and Manuel Pardo was held.


On March 1, 1884 Arenas became president of a new Constituent Assembly. These nominated Miguel Iglesias Presidente de la República Regenerador.

Arenas took as Minister Plenipotentiary, together with Aurelio García y García in the peace negotiations of Arica part. The Peruvian side proposed an arbitration award against the United States, where the country's borders remain intact and no reparations should be paid. The Chilean delegate in turn demanded the cession of the Bolivian Pacific access and Tarapacá and a payment of 24 million pesos to the Chilean government. President Miguel Iglesias convened a National Assembly, which the Treaty of Ancon agreed after heated debate. This was ratified on March 8, 1884 in Lima.


The supporters of Andrés A. Cáceres fought against this decision, and occupied parts of the capital. After the President Iglesias stepped back, stepped in the Diplomatic Corps, to negotiate. It was decided Arenas government business to be transferred with the task of organizing elections. He was also the government and served as foreign minister.

Three days after taking office, the government announced on December 6, 1885 the elections. Andrés A. Cáceres ran as the candidate of the Partido Constitucionalista and won. On 2 June 1886 he went to the president.
