Apache (missile)

The Apache is a developed in France cruise missile, which was developed primarily for destroying start and runways. It was produced by the European armaments manufacturer MBDA.

The Apache also served as the basis for the developed of Great Britain and France Storm Shadow cruise missiles. Striking here is particularly the stealth technology and aerodynamics. Also using Apache and Storm Shadow have the same drive, a turbo jet of Micro Turbo ( Type: TRI 60-30 ). This drive allows the Apache has a range of 140 kilometers.

An Apache carries ten Kriss bomblets, each 50 kg on board. It therefore has a similar effect to the cluster bombs, which is, however, designed specifically to take-off and landing runways.

The Apache was the first cruise missile, which was provided by the French Air Force in 2001 in service. In the years 2001 to 2004 100 pieces to the French armed forces were shipped. It is unknown whether other Apache after commissioning of the Storm Shadow are delivered or were.

Similar Models

  • Storm Shadow ( cruise missiles )
  • BLU -107 Durandal