
The company Apikoğlu is a meat packing plant in family property, which was founded in the Ottoman Empire. The company provides Sucuk and Pastirma ago. Apikoğlu is the first institution in Turkey, which operated the mass production of meat products.

Early years

The company Apikoğlu was founded in 1910 in Kayseri Armenians from Kirkor Apikoğlu ( 1878-1945 ). Kirkor Apikoğlu shifted its operation in 1920 to Istanbul and opened its manufacturing facility in the district of the suburb Idealtepe Maltepe.

Takeover by two brothers

As the business expanded, the company needed more space and moved the production operation in 1966 Alibeyköy. The factory in Alibeyköy was led by two brothers, Agop and Hayk Apikoğlu. The Apikoğlu brothers soon sold their products throughout Turkey.


The patented system of Apikoğlu brothers made ​​it possible in the 1960s to produce the halal halal market meat directly from the slaughterhouse. The technique allowed the cow hanging upside down so that the blood could flow easily from the body at slaughter. This technique was common practice in Turkey. To meet the increasing demand, the Apikoğlu brothers increased their number of employees in 1987 to 200 people. They bought a modern facility with 45,000 sqm in Tuzla.


2012, the company was involved in a food scandal, as in the products of impurities were detected. The company explained that the trust in the brand stands above all other interests, and that from now on only veal would be used instead of a mixture of veal, chicken and beef.


In the book Markaların Öyküsü ( German History of brands) is described as Apikoğlu one of "the 304 most famous brands in the world ."

The Apikoglu brothers are also in the book Istanbul - mentioned memory of a city of which won the Nobel Prize in Literature Turkish author Orhan Pamuk.
