Apple GS/OS

GS / OS was an operating system, which was introduced for the Apple IIgs of Apple Computer and represents a further step of Apple ProDOS towards the modern Mac OS. The graphical capabilities of the Apple IIgs were so far advanced that a graphical user interface for an Apple II could be developed for the first time. GS / OS was the first color GUI from Apple; the Macintosh models this time were all still a black and white monitor.

GS / OS allows access to various file systems such as Apple Pascal, Apple DOS 3.3, ISO / High Sierra, HFS, MS- DOS, Apple ProDOS and AppleShare. AppleShare allows GS / OS network access via AppleTalk on AppleShare file server. GS / OS could even be loaded and run on a network. However it can not be even used as a server on the network with a IIgs GS / OS, this role needs to take a Macintosh computer.

The latest version of GS / OS was 4.02 they came with the Apple IIgs System 6.0.1 disks.

  • Operating system from Apple