
As the spread of Arabization Arabs is - especially in the Maghreb ( northwest Africa ) called, which is accompanied by a spreading their culture and writing and the displacement of the Berber culture.

It took place partly in the southern part of Spain, but there was undone by the Reconquista between the 11th and 15th centuries. Was funded by the Arabization policy, the parallel or previous Islamization of North Africa and other regions in the Middle East.

In Persia, although the Arabic script has been adopted, but remained other areas of native culture preserved.

In Sudan and East Africa, Arabization was effective, the trade played a major role. Furthermore, Arabs dominated since the early Middle Ages larger stretches of coastline of the Indian Ocean, including in particular their superior technology of seafaring and navigation helped - until the guide went on in science and politics to Europe.

See also:

  • Abbasid, Almohad, Bedouins, Hafsids
  • Islamization
  • Arabia
  • Maghreb
  • Transculturation