
59.43944425.958056Koordinaten: 59 ° 26 ' N, 25 ° 57 ' E

Arbavere ( German Arbafer ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Kadrina ( Kadrina vald ) in the Estonian Lääne -Virumaa.

Location and description

Arbavere has 71 inhabitants ( 2007). The village is located 23 km from Rakvere ( Wesenberg ) situated on the River Loobu (Loop). Arbavere was first mentioned in documents in 1454.

Today is located in the unspoiled nature Arbaveres a tourist recreation center.

Good Arbavere

The manor of Arbavere originated in 1696 as a separation from the Good Hulja. The modest -looking one-storey wooden mansion built in the first half of the 19th century. Right next to it is also made of wood, a little cavalier house.

In the 18th and early 19th century the estate was owned by the family of the PAHLEN. Last private owner before the expropriation in the course of the Estonian land reform in 1919 was the aristocratic Baltic German family Dellingshausen.
