Árbol del Tule

The Arbol del Tule tree of Tule German, is about 1400-1600 years old tree specimen of Mexican cypress (Taxodium mucronatum ). With a trunk diameter of 14.05 meters, it is the thickest tree in the world.

The Tree of Tule is situated in Santa María del Tule in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. He is one of the largest creatures on earth.

According to the official information of the Mexican SEDUE ( Secretaría de Desarrollo Urbano y Ecological ), the "Tree of Tule " at a height of 41.85 meters, a weight of 636.107 tons. Near the ground, a perimeter of 46 meters. When, in 1996, it went to cut out the dead wood, which fell to 10 tons.

One local Zapotec legend, the tree 1400 years ago, was planted by pechocha, a priest of the Aztec God Ehecatl. ( Later adopted by the Roman Catholic Church ) His position on a sacred site is an indication of the accuracy of the legend.

The tree has been nicknamed the " tree of life" to get because of all the ( supposedly) visible animals at his gnarled trunk.

Other giant trees
