Ardu l-Furataini Watan

Ardu l - Furātaini Watan (Arabic أرض الفراتين وطن Ard al - Watan Furatayni, DMG ARDU l - Furātaini Watan ) Between 1981 and 2004, the Iraqi national anthem.

Mesopotamia is (our ) home is the free translation. The literal translation would mean: "The earth of the Euphrates is home " .1

The first four rows are as follows:

وطن مدى على الأفق جناحا وارتدى مجد الحضارات وشاحا بوركت أرض الفراتين وطن عبقري المجد عزما وسماحا

Waṭanun Madda alā ʿ l - ufqi ǧināḥā, Wa - rtaddā maǧda l - ḥadārāti wišāḥā, Būrikat ARDU l - Furātaini Watan, Abqarīya ʿ l - ʿ maǧd azman wa - Samaha.

A homeland, which spread its wings over the horizon, and the glory of civilization wore as a garment - blessed to be Mesopotamia, Homeland of glorious determination and tolerance.
