Arete (mythology)

Arete (Greek Ἀρήτη ) is a figure from Greek mythology, queen of the Phaeacians. She was the daughter of Rhexenor (son of Nausithous, in turn, a son of Poseidon and Periboea, daughter of Eurymedon was Gigantenbeherrschers ) and later married his brother - her uncle - Alkinoos.

Notes on Arete found for example in the Argonautica.

In Homer's Odyssey, the hero Odysseus decides to move on the way home from Troy to Ithaca, the land of the Phaeacians. His patron goddess Athena advises him there, to consult for the purpose of providing assistance to the incumbent and respected Queen Arete, the 7th song - Odysseus ' arrival at Alcinous says about them:

" ... But first seeking the queen inside the hall. This is called Arete by name, and was of the same Parents begotten, of whom the king Alkinoos originated. [ ... ] Neuvermählt in the palace; the only daughter Arete His brother took Alkinoos it to wife: Which honors, as nowhere a woman is honored on earth, None of all those who manage the house now of men. So Arete is glorified with heartfelt love From Alcinous himself, and their blossoming children, And the people that they regarded as a goddess ... "


  • Person of Greek mythology