Ariocarpus bravoanus

Ariocarpus bravoanus subsp. hintonii

Ariocarpus bravoanus is a flowering plant in the genus Ariocarpus from the cactus family ( Cactaceae ). The epithet of the species honors the Mexican botanist and cactus specialist Helia Bravo Hollis.


Ariocarpus bravoanus grows geophytisch with gray-green bodies, the diameter of 3 to 9 inches and have barely protrude from the soil surface. The flattened, triangular and slightly pointed warts are little from the engine base. Variable areolae sometimes have a woolly groove over the entire length of warts or as a woolly cushion near the tip formed warts.

The magenta colored flowers reach diameter of 4 to 5 centimeter. The usually light brown fruits are inconspicuous.

Systematics, distribution and hazard

Ariocarpus bravoanus is common in the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi to chalky soils and only a few localities known.

The first description was in 1992 by Héctor Manuel Hernandez and Edward Frederick Anderson. Nomenclatural synonyms are Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus subsp. bravoanus ( HMHern. & EFAnderson ) Halda and Ariocarpus fissuratus subsp. bravoanus ( H.M.Hern. & E.F.Anderson ) Lüthy.

We distinguish the following sub- types:

  • Ariocarpus bravoanus subsp. bravoanus
  • Ariocarpus bravoanus subsp. hintonii ( Stuppy & NPTaylor ) EFAnderson & WAFitz Maur.

Ariocarpus bravoanus be listed in Annex I of the CITES Convention. In the Red List of Threatened Species IUCN as " Vulnerable (VU) ," ie, endangered classified. The subspecies Ariocarpus bravoanus subsp. hintonii is also considered " Vulnerable (VU) ," ie, endangered, the subspecies Ariocarpus bravoanus subsp. bravoanus however, as " Critically Endangered (CR ) ', ie classified threatened with extinction.

