Ariulf of Spoleto

Ariulf was from 591/592 up to 601 dux of the Lombard Duchy of Spoleto.


Ariulf was appointed after the death of his predecessor Faroald I as dux and undertook several campaigns against the Byzantines, among others, against Ravenna.

In the years 591-592 he fought against the city of Rome and defeated the Romans at Camerinum. This victory, he wrote, though he himself was a pagan, Bishop and Martyr Sabinus to whose grave was located in Spoleto. He expanded his Dukat west to the Tiber from during his ally Arichis I. oppressed of Benevento Naples Pope Gregory graduated with the Lombards for a separate peace. The Byzantine Exarch Romanus, not included in this peace, undertook a campaign ( 592-593 ) in which he places Sutrium ( Sutri), Polimartium ( Bomarzo ), Horta ( places ), Tuder ( Todi), Ameria ( Amelia), Perusia (Perugia ), Luceolis ( Cantiano ) and others reconquered. Now also Agilulf king intervened. He conquered Perugia and he marched on Rome, then retired but for unknown reasons back. Pope Gregory tried again a peace treaty between Agilulf on the one hand, and the Emperor Maurikios Exarch Romanus on the other side to give.

In June 595 Ariulf took peace negotiations with Pope Gregory the Great, which to the effect were completed after the death of Romanus in October 598 that no further action against him and his allies Arichis I., Duke of Benevento, would be taken.

With this peace agreement, the Pope risked the displeasure of the Emperor Maurikios because he arbitrarily negotiated a partial withdrawal of the Lombards and went down on their demand for an annual tribute of 500 gold pounds. The contract was limited to one year, but was extended for another.

After Ariulfs Death about 601 it came to succession dispute between two sons of his predecessor Faroald I. in which Theudelapius prevailed.


  • Paul the Deacon, Historia Langobardorum, ed. Ludwig Bethmann and Georg Waitz, in: Monumenta Historica Germaniae, Scriptores rerum et Langobardicarum Italicarum SAEC. VI -IX, Hahn, Hannover 1878