Ark (river boat)

Kahn is the general name for a usable rivers, inland and port waters small, flat-bottomed unmet watercraft. Traditional boats by muscle power ( Punting, towing, paddling, rowing), wind power ( sailing) or engine power (steam and diesel tractor, push boat, bumper boat ) were driven. The size varies from a few meters to about 70 meters in length. The designation Kahn is one of the oldest recorded boat numbers on the Baltic coast.

The trains running on rivers large barges were named mainly according to their main field of application or specific, defining the size of locks, such as beetle crushers, Odermaß and Finowmaßkähne. They were built flat and had one to three masts with frame, sprit and gaff sails. Your big cargo space was closed as needed with a hatch cover.

The Material Wood gave way to the beginning of the 20th century the iron and steel. Transitional both were used in combination. Partly as a special synthetic material was used.

  • Type of boat
  • Muscle -powered vehicle
  • Kahn type