Armenian orthography reform

In the Armenian SSR a spelling reform of the Armenian language 1922-1924 was carried out, which is, however, largely ignored outside of Armenia as before, because it is mostly rejected by the Armenians in the diaspora, about half of the Armenischsprechenden.


In the Soviet Union in the 1920s was a major part of the population, especially the peasants, illiterate. To promote the literacy of broad social layers faster, spelling has been simplified in several languages ​​, including the Armenian language, which was spoken by the majority of the Armenians in the Armenian SSR. Presumably, the reform was also a political motive to reason, because only about half of the Armenians lived in the Soviet Union, and the rest lived in the Diaspora, especially in the Middle East, Iran, France and North America. Therefore, the spelling reform caused an " orthographic separation". However, the dividing line is not continuous along the distinction " Diaspora " / " Republic of Armenia ", but more along the distinction " Westarmenisch / Eastern Armenian "; so one has taken the spelling reform, for example, in Iran, where also Eastern Armenian is spoken. Lately ( that is, after the independence of the Republic of Armenia, 1991) there have been efforts in the Republic of importation of the old orthography again, but they are already failed alone at the immense cost of such a measure.

The changes

In cases where the pronunciation has changed over time, to write since the reform of the way you speak. This refers to the letter pairs յ / հ, ու / վ, the diphthongs ոյ / ույ, եա / յա, եօ / յո and իւ / յու.

The following are the more complicated changes are listed.
