Arthur Scott King

Arthur Scott King ( born January 18, 1876 in Jerseyville, † April 17, 1957 in Pasadena, California ) was an American physicist and astrophysicist.

Life and work

He was born the son of Robert and Miriam Munson Andrew King and attended the University of California, Berkeley. In 1903, in the title of Ph.D. awarded. He then spent two years in Germany and studied in Bonn and Berlin and traveled through Europe. In 1905 he returned to the U.S. and became a teacher. The following year King Louise Burnett married and had two sons with her.

He concentrated for a long time on the spectra of elements and molecules, with particular focus on the rare earth metals. Between 1901 and his retirement, he published more than 200 papers in scientific journals and has been president of the American Society Meteorical.

According to him, the lunar crater is named King.


  • Biography on
  • Astrophysicist
  • Born 1876
  • Died in 1957
  • Americans
  • Man

Pictures of Arthur Scott King
