Arthur Weber

Arthur Ernst Weber ( born August 3, 1879 in Fechenheim, since April 1, 1928 the district of Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, † June 7 1975 in Eschwege ) was a German balneologist, a cardiologist and professor.


Family and Education

The Evangelical baptized, born Fechenheimer Arthur Weber turned after dropping the baccalaureate to the study of medicine at the University of Marburg, the University of Leipzig and the Ernst- Moritz- Arndt- University Greifswald, was there in 1904 his doctorate in med ..

Arthur Weber married Bøsserup born in 1912 Amy. Weber died in June 1975, two months before the completion of his 96th year of life in Eschwege.

Professional career

Arthur Weber received immediately after his graduation a job as a research assistant at the Department of Ophthalmology at Greifswald. After subsequent Assistance years at the Physiological Institute of the Ruprecht -Karls- University of Heidelberg, Institute of Pathology, Christian- Albrechts- University, Kiel, and at the Institute for Hygiene, University of Graz, he returned to Greifswald, where he was using at the Medical University Hospital. In the winter semester 1905/ 06 Arthur Weber joined the University Medical Clinic of the Justus -Liebig- University of Giessen, where he habilitated in 1909 as a lecturer in the field of Internal Medicine, 1914, he was appointed associate professor in 1930 for systematic associate professor of Balneology, 1941 promoted to full professor. Weber retired in 1953. In addition, he held the line of Balneology Institute in Bad Nauheim in the years 1914 to 1955. He was also employed there from 1926 to 1944 as chief physician of significant convalescent homes.

Work and appreciations

Arthur Weber, co-founder and ardent advocate of the development and regular use of diagnostic procedures, such as phonocardiography, the venous pulse registration and in particular of electrocardiography, has been awarded many times in recognition of his fundamental contributions to his areas of expertise, including with the honorary citizenship of the city of Bad Nauheim, the medical honorary doctorates Justus- Liebig- University of Giessen and the Albert -Ludwigs- University of Freiburg, the honorary memberships of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Finnish Medical Society Duodecim, the Medical Society of Giessen eV, the German Society for Cardiovascular Research, the German Society of Internal Medicine and the German Bädeverbandes eV, 1951, the Carl -Ludwig medal of the German society for Cardiovascular Research, 1954 the Federal Cross of Merit, and in 1959 the Goethe Medal of the state of Hesse.

Since 1959, named after him by the German Society for Cardiovascular Research donated Arthur Weaver Award for outstanding achievements in this field will be given.


  • Electrocardiography and other graphical methods in the circulatory diagnostics, 3rd edition, J. Springer, Berlin, 1937
  • The practical significance of ECG, The medical world w. Mannstaedt, Berlin, 1939
  • Atlas of phonocardiography: Optical and Magnetic transcript of the heart sound, at the same time 2nd edition of the "heart sound registration", D. Steinkopff, Darmstadt, 1956
  • Problems of coronary sclerosis, work -Verlag Banaschewski, Graefelfing (Munich ), 1974

Pictures of Arthur Weber
