Artie P. Hatzes

Artie Hatzes ( born May 24, 1957 in Havre de Grace, Maryland, USA) is an American professor of astrophysics at the Friedrich -Schiller- University Jena and director of the Thuringian State Observatory Tautenburg.

Hatzes has Greek roots, his father shortened the family name of Hatzigeorgios to Hatzes. His family moved soon after his birth to Fort Worth. Prior to his appointment to the University in Jena Hatzes worked at McDonald Observatory.

Hatzes is considered one of the pioneers in the search for exoplanets and is involved in the mission of the COROT space telescope. He since 1998 researching the area and has the radial velocity method established in the search at the State Observatory.

Hatzes discovered exoplanets Pollux b, Epsilon Eridani b and the companion to HD 13189th addition, it stipulated, together with a colleague COROT the mass of CoRoT -7 c, the 4.8 Earth masses, the date (September 2009) lowest mass exoplanet at all.
