Ascended master

Masters of Wisdom are unknown and anonymous authorities to which occult movements appointed to legitimize their teachings.

In the Theosophical movement Blavatsky's Masters spiritually highly sophisticated people are intended to live in Shigatse in the Himalayas. The masters are called in theosophical writings as " Older brothers," Mahatmas, " Great White Lodge" or " Brotherhood of Shambala ". This society will pass through the " Lord of the world" of living in the Gobi Desert in the legendary Kingdom of Shambhala.

Recording in the West

The term " Masters of Wisdom " has thus become known in the West that prominent theosophists like Blavatsky, Sinnett, AO Hume, Leadbeater, Judge, Besant, Fortune, Bailey, Helena and Nicholas Roerich pretending to be in contact with them, even to be their students and to act on their behalf in the world.

Alleged skills of Master Blavatsky

Blavatsky wrote the masters almost too divine insight and power. Your master possessed " supernatural powers " that enabled to astral travel. They would dominate the mind reading and could also manipulate on any distance the thoughts of people. The master would have the ability to resolve objects and make them reappear in other places.

Origin, place of residence and alleged encounter with the Masters

In life, Blavatsky was claimed the masters would live in Shigatse Tibetan. After expeditions their home could not locate was claimed the master had no human body and are visible only for clear-sighted eyes. Blavatsky claimed her Master Morya to be encountered on a seven-year wanderings in Tibet. Previously, she met him in nocturnal visions. The Master Morya ( Master M) was one of the assistants of the " Great White Brotherhood of Masters", called by Blavatsky and Mahatmas who were initiated as adepts in secret teachings and in the mythical kingdom of Shambhala live in the Gobi Desert, which is the subject of Tibetan Buddhist Texts be. The Brotherhood will of a " Lord of the World " directed, who had entered the country from the planet Venus with a few assistants to Shambhala and presently inhabit the body of a sixteen year old boy. When the agents of the " Lord of the World " if it were, among others, to Buddha, " Mahahochan ", " Manu " and " Maitreya ". Maitreya's assistant was Blavatsky's "Master Koot Homi " ( Master KH ), a blue-eyed prince from Kashmir, the " Völkernegel " confers a kind of the nations power and influence in world politics.

Master - letters

The Master letters, called in India also Mahatma Letters should have been prominent persons placed in the environment to Blavatsky's occult paths. A majority of these letters is currently stored in 18 file folders in the Manuscript Department of the British Museum in London. The authorship of the letters is disputed. In one of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR ) in 1885 published research report, the letters were referred to as fakes. In 1986, the SPR distanced from these allegations, as a result of expert opinion held the proof of forgery is not provided for. Not originally intended for publication, include the letters next to private communications statements to theosophical doctrine, and the Theosophical Society. The receipt of such a letter was regarded as proof of a special closeness to the masters who operate as the sender.

Temple teachings

The late 19th and early 20th century, the American Francia A. LaDue wrote down many teachings that were transmitted after their information from the Masters of Wisdom. They were collected, published and translated into several languages ​​under the name "Temple teachings ." Mrs. LaDue -founded with William H. Dower society Temple of the People ( Temples of Humankind ), which still exists today in Halcyon, California. Sister companies there are in England, Russia and Germany.

Agni Yoga ( Living Ethics )

In the first half of the 20th century, the Russian Helena Roerich wrote the Agni Yoga ( Western designation: Living Ethics ) down, which was drawn to her according to information provided by the Masters of Wisdom. This publication of 15 volumes with 5,000 pages contains the overall presentation of the philosophy of the Mahatma and a variety of instructions for practicing their teachings in daily life.
