
Astrophytum myriostigma

Astrophytum is a genus of flowering plants of the cactus family ( Cactaceae ). The botanical name, translated "star plant", alludes to the star-shaped ribs of the first discovered plants of this genus.


The species of the genus Astrophytum usually grow individually with spherical to columnar, green shoots and reach stature heights of up to 1.5 meters. Often, the shoots are densely covered with fine white hair tuft, but sometimes they are also completely bald. There are four to ten (rarely only three ) very showy fins present, which are not divided into several cusps. The large areolae are close together, but do not go into each other. The thorns is highly variable. Spines may be present or entirely absent.

The funnel-shaped, large flowers are yellow or yellow with a red throat. They appear in the apex of the shoots and open day. Your Perikarpell is busy with pursed shed. The cap -shaped seeds have diameters up to 2.5 mm. Their brownish-black seeds shell is almost smooth. The edge is rolled to the sunken hilum down.

Systematics and distribution

The distribution of the genus Astrophytum extends from south Texas to Mexico.

The first description of the genus was made in 1839 by Charles Lemaire. The type species is myriostigma Astrophytum. The genus Astrophytum includes the following types:

