Ateliers de Construction Aéronautique de Zeebruges

The company ACAZ was a Belgian aircraft manufacturer. ACAZ is the abbreviation for Ateliers de Constructions Aéronautiques de Zeebrugge, as much as Zebbrugger aircraft design bureau, based in Zeebrugge. The company was founded in 1923 and changed its name in 1925 under ACAZ. In the English -speaking world the company is called ZACCO.

Professor Emile Allard constructed in 1924 together with Alfred Renard the first Belgian all-metal aircraft, the ACAZ T-2, a high-wing, which did not succeed.

You made ​​a few prototypes for the Belgian SABCA before 1928 with the reconnaissance ACAZ C.2 tried to go into the military aircraft business. The prototype was tested by the Belgian Army, but not ordered.

The global economic crisis led the company in trouble and so they finally had to close its doors in 1933.

  • Former aircraft manufacturer
  • Former company ( province of West Flanders)
  • Abbreviation
  • Bruges
  • Established in 1923