
Athribis (Greek Ἀθριβις, ancient Egyptian Hat (ta) - heri - ib, today Tell Atrib, Kom el - Atrib; Assyrian hath ( a) riba ) was in Ancient Egypt, the capital of the Kemwer - Gaus, of the 10th Gaus of Lower Egypt. She was lying northeast of Banha.

The of Amasis ( 26th Dynasty ), dedicated to the local god Chentechtai Temple is so far the oldest evidence of a doubt built in Athribis building dar. Maybe had already Amenhotep III. here built a temple, but there is no archeological discoveries that prove the contents of the old texts. Athribis was also the hometown of Amenophis, who as an architect, priest, writer and official under Amenhotep III. and had probably died in the 35th year of the reign of this king.

According to Ammianus Marcellinus (Res Gestae 22:16) Athribis counted it to the major cities of Egypt.
