Atomic chess

Atomic Chess is a chess variant.

Atomic Chess is identical to the standard chess with one exception, which relates to the beating. While in the standard chess occupies the striking stone the place of the defeated, both stones are removed from the board, because every blow, it triggers a nuclear explosion at the nuclear chess. In addition, this expands to all the neighboring fields. Each figure (except farmers ) on the orthogonal or diagonal adjacent fields is also removed from the board. Farmers will only be removed from the board if they participate directly in the shock process are therefore either the beating or are captured piece.

Instead of using the checkmate of the king, as in chess, the nuclear chess game is most ended in that a figure next to the king is defeated. For just as the other characters they are struck by the explosion. The rule here is that a player, even if it is theoretically checkmate in chess or even, the game can be decided by such an explosion in itself.

Since the game is a whole lot faster, White has from the beginning a very strong initiative. Therefore black is long only busy fending off the direct attacks of whites. So he can only respond with f6, for example, after the train 1.Nf3 practical. The suit advantage of the white is so much larger than in standard chess. The game is unfair to black - if White plays a good opening, he will always achieve great advantage. For this reason, Atomic Chess is not taken seriously by experts.

Atomic Chess can be played on the internet on so-called chess servers (see also: Free Internet Chess Server).


In addition to the described Atomic Chess, there are some variants. About the Chess bid does not exist in the Internet Chess Club and the King can and must be defeated. In the other variant applies to the peasants no special rules.

Lars Döring describes a variant in which, although the peasants, but not the king be destroyed by a blow on an adjacent field. The suit advantage of white is considerably smaller. The King may propose in this variant itself, thereby standing around figures to be destroyed, but he himself does not. However, he may not beat a subdued figure, even if the nationwide figure would be destroyed by the stroke.
