
Greek Blaukissen ( Aubrieta deltoid )

The blue pillow ( Aubrieta ), also called Aubrietien, are a genus of flowering plants in the family of cruciferous plants ( Brassicaceae or Cruciferae). It includes several species that are popular ornamental plants for rock gardens. The distribution of comprehensive about 15 species genus lies in the Mediterranean and the Near East.


The blue pillows are niedrigwüchsige, perennial herbaceous plants that often form upholstery or carpets. They are usually occupied by simple, star-shaped or forked hairs, rarely glabrous. Your change-constant leaves are linear to spatulate toothed, undivided and entire or coarsely.

The hermaphrodite flowers are cruciform. They have been slumped inner and outer normal sepals. The petals are pink to purple, rarely almost white. The outer, shorter stamens have narrowly winged stamens and a tooth -like appendage. The stylus is deducted from the fruit and binding. The scar is capitate.

The ovaries develop into sessile, linealischen pods or ovate to spherical silicles their fruit flaps are often weakly compressed and have a midrib. The numerous seeds are sitting in two rows, are flat and wingless. The basic chromosome number is n = 8


The genus Aubrieta is common in the Mediterranean countries of southern France over Italy, the Balkans and Greece to Turkey and Iran. Because of its popularity as a rock garden plants some species are cultivated outside their natural ranges, and can occasionally become wild in hot temperate climates.


The genus of the blue pillow ( Aubrieta ) is provided along with the genus Felsenblümchen ( Draba ) and some representatives of the former wholesale genus geese cress ( Arabis ) in the tribe Arabideae.

Depending on the processor between twelve and 20 species are distinguished. Type species of the genus is Aubrieta deltoidea (L. ) DC.


  • Aubrieta anamasica Pesmen & Guner; occurs in Turkey
  • Star haired blue pillow ( Aubrieta columnae cast. ), With about four subspecies
  • Aubrieta croatica Schott, Nyman & Kotschy (also known as subspecies Aubrieta columnae subsp croatica (Schott) MattF to A. columnae provided. . ); occurs only on the Balkan Peninsula
  • Greek Blaukissen ( Aubrieta deltoidea (L. ) DC. )
  • Aubrieta erubescens Griseb. ; is endemic of North Greece
  • Aubrieta gracilis Spruner ex Boiss, with three subspecies. : Aubrieta gracilis subsp. glabrescens ( Turrill ) Akeroyd ( Syn: Aubrieta glabrescens Turrill ); is endemic of North-West Greece
  • Aubrieta gracilis subsp. gracilis; is an endemic of Greece
  • Aubrieta gracilis subsp. scardica ( Wettst. ) Phitos (syn.: A. scardica ( Wetts. ) Gustavsson ); occurs only in Albania, Greece and the former Yugoslavia
  • Under the name garden - blue cushions ( Aubrieta × cultorum ) are different cultivars grouped together that have arisen partly involving Aubrieta deltoid by crossing.


The scientific name of the genus, the botanist Michel Adanson put the plants painter Claude Aubriet a keepsake.
