
The Audiology is concerned as an independent science with all aspects of auditory perception, that of listening. The study of hearing is but because of the large number of physical and biological effects that are involved in hearing, especially a research field of medicine, the natural sciences and engineering sciences.

Objectives of audiology are the elucidation of the processes involved in listening to the last detail, the study of the diseases of the organs of hearing and the development of treatment options. In addition, the audiology is concerned with all aspects of listening that occur both in normal and hearing-impaired under natural conditions as well as technically oriented. A special area is the hearing aid.

The field of audiology, which deals with hearing disorders, is also a branch of medicine, specifically a branch of Oto-Rhino - Laryngology (ENT). In the study of hearing, the Audiology relies also on the methods of audiometry and psychoacoustics. Audiometry is concerned with the measurement of the (human) hearing, the lead in the health care of the otolaryngologist and the Hörgeräteakusiker by.

Among the using the science education for such people is centrally concerned with the audiology. She describes her work as Educational Audiology or audio pedagogy. This deals with the diagnosis, the apparatus supply, the care and control of hearing aids, the continuous monitoring of persons with regard to auditory development, technical capabilities, etc., and interdisciplinary collaboration.
