Augustin-Pierre Dubrunfaut

Augustin- Pierre Dubrunfaut (* 1797 in Lille, † 1881) was a French chemist.

Dubrunfaut first described the mutarotation of sugar solutions in 1846. Here, the specific rotation of polarized light with time in freshly prepared solutions of sugar in water changes. He developed a process for the production of sugar from the Melasserückständen, which was later improved by others to the extent that it has been widely used for many years as Strontianverfahren.


  • Art de le sucre de fabriquer betteraves, contenant 1 la description of meilleures méthodes usitées pour la culture et la conservation de cette racine
  • Traité complet de l'art de la distillation Paris: Bachelier, 1824