Augustus Frederick Sherman

Augustus Frederick Sherman, Augustus F. Sherman and also according to DNB Augustus Francis Sherman ( born July 9, 1865 in Lynn, Pennsylvania, USA, † February 18, 1925 in the U.S.) was an American official of the Bureau of Immigration, the U.S. immigration and Naturalization Service, and photographer.


Sherman's life data are very sparse. He was a member of the Episcopal Church in 1884 and came to New York City. There he found employment in 1892 at the immigration office at Ellis Iceland and was the end of his career inspector. He was an amateur photographer and made in the years 1905 to 1925 about 250 portraits and family photos of migrants to the had to wait for the completion of their immigration applications on the island.


Sherman had the ability to convince many of those portrayed them to carry their luggage brought in native costumes for the recordings. These rare documents were shown in recent years both at Ellis Iceland than in other places, for example in 2006 the German Emigration Center in Bremerhaven.


  • 2005: Augustus Frederick Sherman: Ellis Iceland Portraits, 1905-1910 Ellis Iceland Museum, New York City..
  • 2006: the same exhibition of 75 portraits of the German Emigration Center in Bremerhaven.