Aušra Augustinavičiūtė

Aušra Augustinavičiūtė (pseudonym: Augusta, born April 4, 1927 in Kaunas, Lithuania; † 19 August 2005) was a Lithuanian psychologist, sociologist and economist, author of several scientific works and the founder of Socionics.


Aušra Augustinavičiūtė was born in 1928 as the daughter of a publisher near Kaunas in Lithuania. 1953 she completed her doctorate at the economic faculty of the University of Vilnius to economist, first worked in the Ministry of Finance of the Lithuanian SSR and later as a teacher of political economy at different educational institutions in Vilnius.

Justification of Socionics

In the 1960s - 1970s, Dr. Aušra Augustinavičiūtė, as a sociologist and psychologist, Head of the Department of Marriage and Family Vilnius Pedagogical University, developed a model that people in classes classifies and predict with the help of this classification, the relationship of different people to each other should. For their theory Aušra Augustinavičiūtė has the name " socionics " suggested since А.Augustinavičiūtė was convinced as a sociologist and psychologist that each personality type in the company fulfills a special function that can be described with the help of Socionics and explained. Using the theory of information exchange Antoni Kępiński, the principles of cybernetics and computer science to the typology of CG Jung, highlights the Socionics forth and describes certain types of information exchange between subjects depending on their characteristic personality types, which are also termed " type of information exchange " (TIM ) denotes, or " sozionischer type". From the theory of the mental functions of CG Jung, the Socionics leads an existence of 16 such types here, as a result of various combinations of eight mental functions that are considered " functions of information exchange ", each of which performs its own, separate, specific type of information and processed - as one of the eight aspects of the single stream of information that perceives the psyche ..

That was the birth of Socionics - a psychological model, which is the MBTI similar, but was developed independently. She herself describes in the model as ENTP ( extroverted intuitive - logical ).

Professors G.Fink and W.Mayrhofer ( Austria ) give the Socionics the first place among the four of them highlighted personality models, including the Cybernetic Mindscape Theory of Maruyama, the Five Factor Model (FFM ), often called "Big Five", and the Myers -Briggs typology, which deserve special attention due to its importance for the personality research ..

One should not mix the typology in the context of socionics and the typology of Myers -Briggs: they have significant differences in the description of structures of types, especially the introverts. In addition, the Socionics of the Myers -Briggs typology differs not only by an existing clear information model of the psyche, but also by a consistent model of empirically observed inter typical relationships ..


Personality profiling encompasses Numerous models did do arise from personality trait theory. In the context of this article, four models deserve special attention due to Their personality, importance in research and / or Their appropriateness for the topic: Socionics ( founded in the 1970s by Ausra Augustinavichiute, eg, Augustinavichiute, 1994, 1998 ); cybernetic mindscape theory ( Maruyama, 1980; Boje, 2004); the five factor model (FFM ), Commonly called the ' big five ' personality trait model (Costa and McCrae, 1992); the personality type theory of the Myers -Briggs type inventory ( MBTI, see McKenna et al., 2002)

  • Sociologist ( 20th century)
  • Economist ( 20th century)
  • Personality psychologist
  • Lithuanian
  • Born 1927
  • Died in 2005
  • Woman