Austrian Film Commission

Austrian Film Commission ( AFC) was founded in 1987 and is an association that has the task to promote the Austrian film abroad.


As an export -supporting agency, the AFC is the contact and service center both for the national and international industry. The AFC advises Austrian producers and directors who are planning to participate in international film festivals and markets, in the development of promotional and sales strategies and is responsible for communication and organization of the festival. The AFC is continuously in contact with festival directors and selectors, international distributors, buyers, distributors and informed the media about the current film productions.

The AFC is the Austrian representative in the network of European film organizations for worldwide application of European cinema, European Film Promotion.

The AFC represents the Austrian film at all major festivals and markets - such as Cannes, Berlin, Venice, Toronto, San Sebastian, Rotterdam, Locarno, Karlovy Vary, Pusan ​​, Buenos Aires and Los Angeles (American Film Market ).

The publications of the AFC:

  • Austrian film: this years catalog provides an overview of the current film production in Austria
  • Austrian Film Guide: a brochure with all the essential addresses as well as statistical data for the Austrian film industry
  • Austrian Film News: a magazine with interviews and contributions to the current filmmaking in Austria, with a list of all current productions and international festival participation of Austrian productions as well as an overview of current funding commitments.

The website documented the current Austrian film scene in the form of interviews, short messages, film texts, in English and German as well as a structured into New Films, Coming soon and archives database, Industry Guide and a comprehensive record of the festival participation of Austrian films since, 2006.

The first diagonal Film Festival (1993 to 1995) in Salzburg organized by the Austrian Film Commission.

Managing Director of the Austrian Film Commission since 1992 Martin Schweighofer.

Pictures of Austrian Film Commission
