Azerbaijani literature

The term Azerbaijani literature covers all literary works that in different periods in different languages ​​( Azerbaijani, Persian, Arabic, Turkish, Russian, etc. ) were created by the Azerbaijani people.

The Azerbaijani literature reflects the peculiarities of the ages, that have marked the rich history of the Azerbaijani people for centuries. It shows the thinking and tendons of the people, his struggle and his spiritual growth. The literature, especially the Enlightenment literature, played a significant role in the formation of national identity of the Azerbaijani people.

Middle Ages

Written records of the Azerbaijani literature of the earliest period have not survived. But there is evidence that as early as the fifth century of our era in ancient Caucasian Albania ( Albania ), the north-eastern part of Azerbaijan, an alphabet existed under its use literary works were written. The epic " Kitab -i Dede Korkud ", which was written in Azeri language in the 7th century, is one of the cultural and historical sources of the Azerbaijani people. In 12 the word is in this epic battle of the Oghuz, the ancestors of the Azerbaijanis, described for freedom and independence. The original of these legends is now kept in the Vatican Museums and Dresden.

From the 10th to 11th century AD, the poet Chätib Täbrisi ( 1030-1108 ), Gätran Täbrisi ( 1010-1080 ) and the philosopher Bähmänjar created (died 1066) a series of works.

In the 12th century, during the Muslim Renaissance, created poets like Äbül - Ula Gändschäwi and Fäläki Schirwani ( 1108-1146 ) their works, Chaqani ( 1120-1199 ) protested in his works against the subjugation and religious fanaticism. The leitmotif of his poems and his most famous philosophical work, " ruins of the city Madain " is the protest against the arbitrary. The poet Mahsati Ganjavi, whose poetry is characterized by a free-spirited attitude, continues the motives of Omar Khayyam.

A highlight of the Azerbaijani poetry forms in the 12th century, the work of Nezami Gəncəvi ( 1140-1209 ), one of the greats of world literature. Penned by Nizami, who was born in the city of Ganja, where it has spent his whole life come from, except for the lyric poems, " Chamse " ( Xəmsə ) - the five poems " treasure of secrets ", " Khosrov and Shirin ", " Lejli and Medshnun "," Seven Beautiful "and" Iskender - Namae ". In these cycles of poems found the philosophical, aesthetic and ethical views of Nizami expression. This poet and humanist, was a representative of the most progressive ideas of his era, he appeared against injustice. The jobs created by him literary figures ( Shirin, Färhad, Lejli, Medshnun ) were included in the world literature. The German classic Goethe appreciated his work and talent is very high.

In the 14th century, the religious-political movement of the Hurufismus spread. The Hurufisten were of the opinion that the letters of the Arabic alphabet have a sacred character and involve the solution of the cosmic mysteries. The Hurufismus was a kind of protest against then prevalent religious- radical dogmas. The Hurufit, poets and thinkers Nasimi (born 1369 in Şamaxı ) was the first great Azerbaijani poet, who created on Azerbaijani philosophical poems ( Ghasele ). The foundation of his work was the conception "Changing oldest Hägg " ( I am the Truth ), which stated that man can attain the divine level by the inner enrichment. He was executed in Aleppo (Syria ) in 1417 from pursuers.

Modern Times

In the 16th century, the political, economic and cultural boom began in Azerbaijan. The statesman Shah Ismail I (1486-1524), the founder of Safawidenreiches, under the pseudonym Chätai ( ʾ ī Chata ) created works in Azerbaijani language (" sofa ", " Dähnamä ", " Nässihatnamä "). He used elements of popular poetry that gave his poetry a characteristic simplicity. In this period, the other well-known representative of the Azerbaijani literature, Muhammad Fuzuli occurs ( 1480-1556 ). His penetrated by deep philosophical thoughts lyrical poems and Ghasele in Azerbaijani, Arabic and Persian languages ​​served as a model for lyrical poetry. In his romantic poem " Lejli and Medshnun " he sang of the pure, sublime love. With the name Fizuli the final formation of the Azerbaijani literary language is connected.

In the 17th century, the heroic- romantic epics ( Dastane ) " Aschyg Gärib ", " Shah Ismail " and " Koroghlu " were edited and written. The content of the latter has historical backgrounds. The singer and folk hero Koroghlu was defender of the oppressed and an enemy of despotism. Under the influence of folk poetry creation in the 17th century, the classical poetry was democratized. The poet Sahib Təbrizi (1601-1676) and Qövsi Təbrizi continued the traditions of Fizuli and were heavily influenced by the folk poetry. Two great poets determined the main currents of the poetry of the 18th century: in the poetry of Vidadi ( 1709-1809 ) is more sound to social motives, while the poetry of Molla Pənah Vaqif ( 1717-1797 ) of optimism as to the future of people is penetrated. Creating Vaqifs represents a significant stage in the development of the Azerbaijani poetry dar. to realism

Enlightenment literature

In the first half of the 19th century, the Azerbaijani Enlightenment literature reinforced. The first reconnaissance were the scientists and poets Abbasqulu ağa Bakıxanov (1796-1847), the poet Mirzə Şəfi Vazeh (1792 - 18S6 ) and Ismayil bəy Qutqaşınlı ( 1806-1896 ). They brought the new genres ( short story, poem everyday ) as well as the shape of the " little man " in the literature. The poems of Vazeh were popular in the German -speaking world. They were translated by Friedrich von Bodenstedtstraße into German and published as "Songs of Mirza - Schaffy " in Germany.

Among the philosophers of the Enlightenment takes Mirzə Fətəli Axundov (1812-1878), a realistic writer and philosopher and the founder of Azerbaijani drama, an important position. In his comedies, the prejudices and the backwardness of the rulers are criticized. The playwright created the charming figures of honest people from the people of Azerbaijani women, as well as the progressive representative of his epoch, which penetrated to social improvements.

One of the most important representatives of satirical poetry in the 19th century was Qasim bəy Zakir ( 1784-1857 ), who denounced the corruption of the tsarist officials and the cruelty of the landlords. These themes were further developed in the poems of Saiyid Əzim Şirvani ( 1835-1888 ).

In 1873 the playwright Nəcəf bəy Vəzirov ( 1854-1926 ), the first dramatic theater in Baku. In his plays "The Sorrows of Fächräddin " and "Out of the rain in baptism " developed Vəzirov the Enlightenment ideas of MFAxundov on. The dramas " Destroyed Nest" and " boy without fate " of Əbdürrəhim bəy Haqverdiyev (1870-1933) and " The Dead " by Cəlil Məmmədquluzadə (1866-1932) show the groundlessness of about living systems, the emergence of the new man.

The realistic stories of these writers played a major role in the development of the Azerbaijani prose. The institution which fought vigorously for the victory of democratic ideas, was the magazine " Molla Nəsrəddin " which was published by Cəlil Məmmədquluzadə early 20th century. In this journal the satirical poet Mirzə Ələkbər Sabir worked with. Full color language, profound humor and caustic mockery featuring Sabir works. The Romantic movement in Azerbaijani literature of the 20th century was reflected in the work of Hiiseyn Javid, Abbas Səhhət and Məhəmməd Hadi. You poetisierten the dream of a better social order that is based on rational laws.

Soviet period and present

In the Soviet era, there were many poets with a highly poetic talent, for example Cəfər Cabbarlı (1899-1934) or Səməd vurgun (1906-1956), but most literary works have been displaced hopeless. Thanks to the end of the Stalin era, the Azerbaijani writers had in the sixties, the opportunity to move away from the socialist realism scheme. In these years Əkrəm Əylisli, Sabir Əhmədov, Ismayil Şıxlı, Xəlil Rza Ulutürk, Məmməd Araz, Ilyas Əfəndiyev, Bəxtiyar Vahabzadə, Anar, Rüstəm İbrahimbəyov and others created their works, they broke away from the usual framework and the general human, ethical and aesthetic values ​​embodied.

After the collapse of the USSR, a new era has opened in Azerbaijani literature. The newly acquired freedom literature allowed the development of new literary directions, such as the free verse or the realistic novels. Well-known poets and writers of the post-Soviet period, in addition to some of the above Chingiz Abdullayev also, Elçin Əfəndiyev, Kamal Abdulla, Afaq Məsud, Ramiz Rövşən, Elçin Hüseynbəyli, Sabiq Rüstəmxanlı, Vaqif Səmədoğlu, Vaqif Bayatlı etc.

Pictures of Azerbaijani literature
