B90 nuclear bomb

The B90 was one in development thermonuclear bomb the United States. It should be specially adapted for the needs of naval aviation in the U.S. Navy and the USMC. Possible scenarios would have been attacks on ground targets or attacking sea targets, particularly aircraft carriers and submarines.


The B90 was developed in the late 1980s. In September 1991, the development of the B90 was discontinued along with the thermonuclear warheads W89 and W91, and the rocket studies AGM -131 SRAM II and SRAM T,. The project never reached mass production. Nevertheless, the designation B90 for a indienstgestellte bomb was awarded in 1988. Tests with sharp weapons were carried out until 1992.


  • Diameter: 34 cm (13.3 in )
  • Length: 3 m ( 118 in )
  • Weight: 354 kg (780 lb)
  • Explosive yield: 200 kt TNT