
Badge is an English term with various historical and contemporary meanings.


In heraldry a badge or Cognizance ( " badge ") is a figurative representation, with the first English noble families have provided documents, buildings or other objects in order to identify them as belonging, ie almost a brand. Later noble families took in the whole of Europe this practice.


  • Three ostrich feathers in a simple crown with the motto " ICH DIEN " for the Prince of Wales
  • The Scottish thistle
  • The Irish Shamrock
  • The portcullis of Westminster


Nowadays, the term Badge is generally used in conjunction with name badges or access cards, in English, for example, police badges or visibly worn ID tag with clip, lanyard or chain. See plaque. Also lapel buttons are sometimes called that.

Similarly, the designation within military units is common, which carry mostly on the right shoulder and under the sovereignty ID the coat of arms belonging to the Association.

For computers 2.5 × 2.5 cm large so-called case badge (case - label) as an addition to various hardware ( and less commonly, software) are common to advertise on the housing for this.

  • Icon
  • Heraldry