Bahla Fort

22.96666666666757.3Koordinaten: 22 ° 58 '0 "N, 57 ° 18' 0" E

* This name is listed on the World Heritage List. ª The region is classified by UNESCO.

It lies on the road from Bahla near Nizwa over the city Bahla at the foot of Jabal al - Akhdar mountain range. The fort is surrounded with the place Bahla by a 7 -mile-long city wall. The exact date of construction is unknown, but is estimated to be the 17th century. Even the builders are not known, but it is thought that the Nabhani who built the fortress. In 1987 the fort was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A restoration of the highly susceptible plant was associated with it started. However, since the UNESCO saw the originality of the building in danger by this step, it stood from 1988 to 2004 on the Red List of World Heritage in Danger. Through a renovation that traditional methods were, disqualification could be avoided.

Today, the fortress of Hisn Tamah is one of the main cultural attractions in Oman.
