Bahram Mashhoon

Bahram Mashhoon ( born September 9, 1947 in Tehran ) is a living in the United States Iranian- American theoretical physicist who deals with gravitational physics.


Mashhoon studied at the University of California, Berkeley (Bachelor 1969) and received his doctorate in 1972 at John Archibald Wheeler at Princeton University. After 1972/73, he was Assistant Professor at the Arya More University in Tehran, in 1973/74 and again in Princeton from 1974 to 1976 at the University of Maryland ( College Park ). 1976 to 1978 he conducted research at the University of Utah and from 1978 to 1980 as a lecturer at Caltech. 1980 to 1985 he was at the University of Cologne and from 1985 Associate Professor and from 1995 professor at the University of Missouri- Columbia.

Mashhoon dealt among other things with gravitomagnetism ( as a correction of Kepler's 3rd Law, the gravitomagnetic clock effect) and cosmology (such as the Mach's principle). He developed a non-local form of the special theory of relativity for accelerated observers with Friedrich W. Hehl, he developed a nonlocal theory of gravitation which corresponds in linear approximation of Einstein's theory of gravity with dark matter.

Mashhoon has the American citizenship.
