Barbara Robinson (author)

Barbara Robinson ( born October 24, 1927 in Portsmouth, Ohio; † July 9, 2013 in Berwyn, Pennsylvania) was an American writer. In German-speaking countries it is above all through their children's help, the stove 's coming (Original Title: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, 1972) became known.


Barbara Robinson grew up in the small town of Portsmouth, Ohio on the Ohio River and has visited in Meadville (Pennsylvania), the Allegheny College.

Her mother was a teacher and has encouraged her interest in books from an early age, so that they began to write very early itself. In addition to her children's books she has numerous short stories for magazines such as McCall's and Ladies Home Journal written and also attempts at poetry.

Barbara Robinson Award from Harvard University with an honorary doctorate in literature.

She lived in Berwyn, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia, and was the mother of two daughters.


  • My Brother Louis Measures Worms and Other Louis Stories. Harper & Row, New York NY, 1988, ISBN 0-06-025082-8.

The stove 's (Series )

  • The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Harper & Row, New York, NY 1972, ISBN 0-06-440275-4.
  • The Worst Best School Year Ever. Harper Collins, New York, NY 1994, ISBN 0-06-023039-8.
  • The Worst Best Halloween Ever. Harper Collins, New York, NY 2004, ISBN 0-06-027862-5.


  • The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (TV ), 1983; Robinson also wrote the script for this production.

Pictures of Barbara Robinson (author)
