Barbitistes obtusus

Southern Alps Saber cricket ( Barbitistes obtusus )

The Southern Alps Saber cricket ( Barbitistes obtusus ) belongs within the subordination of Ensifera to the subfamily of sickle terror ( Phaneropterinae ).


The Southern Alps Saber cricket is similar to the Hardwood saber cricket is strong, and how these 15 to 20 mm long, so that both species are difficult to distinguish from each other. The ground color varies considerably from gray and light brown over olive green to light green and turquoise. The abdomen is short and thick, the pronotum and head are small. The sensor is about a body length. The legs are of medium length and wear on the lower legs small spines. The sharply formed wings are light brown. From eye over the thorax and abdomen to give a yellow band, which often continues on the latter draws. The head may be tinted slightly red like the legs. The abdomen has tiny dark spots that may be closer or further away from each other, so that the body sometimes appears dark green. The cerci of the male are distinctly curved S-shaped and dark red in color. They are the main distinguishing feature between the Hardwood saber cricket and this kind latter has blunted Cercusenden, and a tooth at the end thereof.

Lifestyle and dissemination

The Southern Alps Saber grasshopper lives in slightly shady forests and scrubland. It is often found on blackberry leaves. The type replaces the Hardwood saber -cricket in the Southern Alps. It comes from the Basses- Alpes prior to the Julian Alps and in small populations in the Apuan Alps.
