
Barbitistes serricauda

Barbitistes is a grasshopper genus of the subfamily of sickle terror ( Phaneropterinae ).


The fastigium is usually conical and blunt. The length of the antenna is approximately equal to the 1,5 - to 3 - times the length of the body. In the Metazona the pronotum is almost always slightly elevated in both females and males. The species are micropter. The elytra of the males are only slightly covered, the females on the other hand at the base about a third to a quarter. The males have long, often tortuous Cerci that are crossed behind the subgenital plate. The cerci of the females are slender conical. In the midst of the subgenital plate of the male is keeled to strongly prominent, those of the females across the triangular- rounded. The ovipositor is curved ventrally straight and only in Apikaldrittel or quarters upwards. At its base, a longitudinal gap under the blade often present. The Barbitistes species are often colored colorful and there is plenty dark shapes.


The genus occurs in Europe and Asia Minor.


The genus includes the following 8 types:

  • Barbitistes constrictus Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878
  • Barbitistes fischeri ( Yersin, 1854)
  • Barbitistes kaltenbachi resin, 1965
  • Barbitistes obtusus Targioni - Tozzetti, 1881
  • Barbitistes ocskayi Charpentier, 1850
  • Barbitistes serricauda (Fabricius, 1794)
  • Barbitistes vicetinus Galvagni & Fontana, 1993
  • Barbitistes yersini Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878

