Bare-faced Go-away-bird

Bare-throated - away-bird in the Serengeti

The Bare-throated - away-bird ( Corythaixoides personatus ) is a species of bird in the family of Turaco. He lives in East Africa, in the Ethiopian part of the Great African grave breach, Uganda to the west and south of Kenya, in the western and central Tanzania, in eastern Rwanda and Burundi and in the far north of Malawi, in the north- eastern Zambia and to the southeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo. He is an inhabitant of dry areas and adheres to, especially in planted with acacia tree savannah. In the mountains this species is up to altitudes of 1850, sometimes also to be found up to 2000 meters.


The half a meter long expectant birds are gray on the upper side, abdomen and head is white. On the head they wear a gray bonnet, which is situated in excitement. The face is featherless and black, the tail is long and gray.

The warning cry of the bird, a bleating " gaarr, warrr " and his featherless face helped him to his English common name Bare -faced Go -away -bird.

Way of life

Bare-throated - away-birds are gregarious and feed on berries, especially those of Grewia bicolor Sternbusch, buds and seeds of yellow acacia bark and fruits. When foraging they hatch also sent through thick brambles. Often the little shy animals are seen in East African national parks near the lodges. The little birds are site- faithful and move far in their area of ​​distribution around.


Bare-throated noise birds breed in Ethiopia in March, in the south of Uganda in May and from September to November in of Tanzania of May to October in the north of Malawi in October. Their nest, a platform of loosely woven twigs and grass build them in forked branches of acacia, usually at altitudes of about five meters. They lay two to three white eggs, which are incubated by both parents.


There are two subspecies, C. p. personatus in Ethiopia and C. p. leopoldi in the rest of its range. With the horror Lärmvogel ( Corythaixoides concolor) is Corythaixoides personatus a super species.
